Τρίτη 24 Αυγούστου 2010

"People have become very selfish in their driving behaviour"

Ένα αρθράκι από το website του "visor down", μοτοσυκλετιστικού περιοδικού στην Αγγλία. Διαβάστε το, πιστεύω ισχύει και για τους Κύπριους οδηγούς.

"EAST YORKISHIRE Police have appealed to car drivers to be more vigilant following an increase in the number of motorcyclist's killed on the region's roads.
Motorcycle fatalities doubled between January to July 2010 compared to the same period last year, despite a significant drop in the number of serious injuries and motorcycle accidents.

Now, car drivers are being urged to take greater care to help reduce fatalities and make the county's roads safer.

Humberside Police road casualty reduction officer PC Glen Dennis said: "On the whole we are doing well, but we're struggling to stop the random acts of people being killed.

"We're seeing an increase in conspicuity issues, it could be that people are being distracted."

Pc Dennis believes many drivers are distracted by their mobile phones and have become "selfish" in their driving habits:

"Maybe they're thinking about work or playing music. We keep hammering on to people about not using mobile phones. People may feel cocooned in their cars and invincible. People have become very selfish in their driving behaviour.

"If you're not looking for vulnerable road users there may be a death. If you turn across the path of another motorist and that results in a fatality you could be prosecuted for death by dangerous driving."

Speaking about the ongoing problem of collisions between motorcyclists and motorists, Professor Stephen Glaister, director of the RAC Foundation, said: "The idea of apportioning blame does not seem to be very constructive, certainly if it pits car drivers against bikers.

"The police should be reminding all road users of the need to be both vigilant and obey the laws of the road.

"It is also incumbent on motorcyclists and motorists alike to beware of those who repeatedly and recklessly, or momentarily and uncharacteristically, break the rules – be they on two wheels or four."


1 σχόλιο:

  1. ωραίο! δεν διαβάζω πολύ συχνά άρθρα σχετικά με αυτό το θέμα αλλα σπανια βλέπεις άρθρο να επιρρίπτει ευθύνες στους οδηγούς αυτοκινήτων και όχι των μοτοσυκλετιστών
